Mittwoch, 30. August 2017

Dienstag, 29. August 2017

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Sommer-Pressekonferenz mit Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel am 29.08.17

Sommer-Pressekonferenz mit Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel am 29.08.17

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Sonntag, 27. August 2017

Fragselbst : Martin Schulz SPD beantwortete Fragen im Facebook Chat der ...

First look at the Obama Presidential Center in Chicago, USA

Obama Foundation Announces Proposal for Combined Park & Parking Facility for Obama Presidential Center - Obama Foundation

AUGUST 23, 2017

1:00 PM

Chicago, IL – Today, the Obama Foundation announced its proposal for a combined park and parking facility on an underutilized section of the Midway Plaisance across from the future site of the Obama Presidential Center (OPC). The OPC will be located in historic Jackson Park on the South Side of Chicago, a community the Obamas call home. President and Mrs. Obama chose to bring the OPC to the South Side, in part, to give back to the community that has given them so much. 

The Center will strengthen the economic climate in the community by bringing hundreds of thousands of visitors to the South Side every year, creating new jobs on the South Side and revitalizing Jackson Park. The proposed park and parking facility will support those goals by stimulating the streets around the OPC with increased pedestrian activity.

The OPC and the parking facility are designed to unlock the full potential of Jackson Park as a recreational destination for the community and visitors alike. The facility will be covered and surrounded by a new 3-4 acre park that will be open to the public and provide views of Jackson Park and its lagoons, and numerous new recreational opportunities, such as a picnic area, a children’s play area and more. The existing Cheney-Goode Memorial will be retained as part of the proposed redevelopment of this parkland. The proposal includes off-street bus drop-off and pick-up, bicycle parking, and a close connection to Metra.

“The Foundation evaluates each proposal for the design of the OPC through the lens of supporting our surrounding community. Building a parking facility on the Midway continues the Obama Foundation’s goal of revitalizing Jackson Park and spurring economic activity across the South Side,” explained David Simas, Chief Executive Officer at the Obama Foundation. “With this proposal, we are increasing foot traffic within the community, not just in Jackson Park, and creating new park space for families to gather and play.”

The parking facility is expected to hold 400-450 vehicles. The parking facility will be paid for by the Obama Foundation. The Midway Plaisance is owned by the City of Chicago. Pending input from the community and approval by the City Council, the City would convey rights for parking to the Obama Foundation .

In May,President Barack Obama and Mrs. Michelle Obama announced their initial design concept for the OPC. 

In June, July and August, the Obama Foundation has participated in dozens of one-on-one meetings, small group meetings with the community, and public meetings with the City of Chicago, Chicago Park District, Chicago Department of Transportation, and Alderman Leslie Hairston. The Foundation also issued an online survey to receive feedback on its design concepts. Today’s combined park and parking facility proposal includes input from those feedback sessions.

The proposed site plan of the combined park and parking facility can be viewed HERE.


Community Involvement in Ending Conflict and Securing Peace

Community Involvement in Ending Conflict and Securing Peace

By Bernadette Meehan, International Programs, Obama Foundation

Earlier this year, ahead of President Obama’s trip to Berlin for the Obama Foundation’s first international event, I wrote an email to let people know that the Foundation will be actively involved in supporting young leaders around the world as they seek to improve their communities and create change at a local, national, and global level. Giovanni Anzola-Pardo, Director of International Affairs at La Salle University in Bogotá, Colombia read my email and wrote to me about it.
As one of the organizers of a summit on peacebuilding, Giovanni was working with seven universities, the Government of Colombia, and a number of organizations to gather thousands of students together to discuss how students and universities can contribute to the Colombian peace process and help consolidate a lasting peace in a country emerging from one of the longest armed conflicts in the world. He invited me to travel to Colombia to share more about the Foundation’s work and our efforts to help young people make an impact in their communities. Helping young people take on big issues is what the Obama Foundation is all about, so I happily accepted his invitation. I was thrilled to return to Colombia; I lived there for two years when I worked as a Vice Consul at the U.S. Embassy in Bogotá more than a decade ago.

Yesterday, I spoke to hundreds of students about the lessons I’ve learned during my 13 years as a Foreign Service Officer for the Department of State. My point of view comes from being a diplomat negotiating agreements between adversaries and then working to ensure their successful implementation. Through these experiences, I have come to learn that while civil conflict and peace are local at their core, there are general lessons we can learn from the experiences of others.
Here are a few of the lessons I shared with the young people in Colombia about the importance of civic engagement in peacebuilding and conflict resolution:
Lasting peace is not just the work of governments.

Yes, governments handle the negotiations and sign the agreements (and often
get the credit), but the true key to success is in the hands of the citizens.
This is an incredible power to have, and should not be wasted. President Obama said earlier this year that “ordinary people, when working together, can do extraordinary things.” You don’t have to be an expert to make a lasting
difference — you just need to commit to taking action.
Treating others with dignity and respect — even when we disagree — matters.

Treating someone with dignity and respect does not mean you agree with
them, their actions, or their positions. But if you don’t treat the other side
as human, they will remain a faceless adversary, and it is much easier to dig
in to hardline positions or revert to violence. Talking respectfully with a
former enemy is incredibly difficult, but it is necessary to pursue and sustain
There are many
different paths to peace, and many ways for people to become agents of
change — no matter your experience or commitment level.

You may think there is no role for a university student in peacebuilding.
It may seem like peacebuilding is better left to more experienced people. But
just remember, if these “more experienced people” were experts in peace, there
would not have been conflict in the first place. There is a role for everyone
in this process — no matter their level of experience or skillset. Be bold,
think big, take risks, and seek to change to the world — in whatever way is
meaningful to you.
Commit to community service.

Find organizations that are actively involved in supporting peace, and
volunteer your time and share your skills. Organize events that bring
stakeholders from around the country together to make connections, share
resources, and learn from each other.
Apathy is destructive.

This is your future. Don’t let previous generations decide what
your future will be simply because you don’t care enough to be involved.
Women are key to peace.

Do everything in your power to create a safe environment for them to
participate. You cannot succeed if half of your population is marginalized.
Focus on sustainability and do not be discouraged.

Fighting is often easier than making peace. Sustaining peace is often
harder than signing a peace accord. Expect setbacks. Remain committed. As
President Obama says, “hard things are hard”. In an age of instant
gratification, do not give up when problems aren’t solved immediately.
Young people today are the holders of hope. That was evident in Colombia when I spoke with students who were eager to make a contribution to the peace process. It is up to each of us to make choices to become active citizens in our communities, and to make positive and lasting contributions to these efforts. The Obama Foundation seeks to create pathways and knock down barriers for people working on issues that have been important to the Obamas, including promoting inter-communal dialogue and conflict resolution like what is occurring in Colombia.

Donnerstag, 24. August 2017

President Trump at the American Legion's 99th National Convention

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VRdS Rede-Analysen Bundestagswahlkampf 2017

VRdS Rede-Analysen Bundestagswahlkampf 2017

Rede-Analysen Bundestagswahlkampf 2017

Bei der letzten Bundestagswahl hieß der Sieger Gregor Gysi, bei der Europawahl Martin Schulz. 

Wie sieht es 2017 aus?

Kann Martin Schulz als Herausforderer der Amtsinhaberin Angela Merkel rhetorisch den Rang ablaufen? Oder macht ein Redetalent der kleineren Parteien das Rennen?

Auch im Bundeswahlkampf 2017 besuchen berufserfahrene Praktiker*innen des VRdS wieder den Straßenwahlkampf, um die beste Wahlkampfrednerin bzw. den besten Wahlkampfredner zu küren. Berücksichtigt werden die Spitzenkandidaten und -kandidatinnen aller Parteien, die ab August in den Umfragen über fünf Prozent liegen. 

Bei Parteien, die mit Spitzenduos antreten, werden beide Protagonisten analysiert.

Die Beurteilung erfolgt nach einem Punktesystem in acht Kategorien: Aufbau, Sprache, Stil, Argumentation, Vortrag, Selbstdarstellung, Inszenierung, Wirkung, Gesamteindruck. Um die Neutralität zu gewährleisten, soll jede Rede von jeweils zwei VRdS-Profis begutachtet werden.

Abschließend werden die Analysen miteinander verglichen und der Sieger/die Siegerin gekürt.

Das Ergebnis wird voraussichtlich am 15. September 2017 in Berlin im Rahmen einer Pressekonferenz veröffentlicht. 

Dies alles geschieht ehrenamtlich unter der Leitung eines Koordinatorenteams, das in diesem Jahr VRdS-Vizepräsidentin Antje Hermenau führt. 

Die freie Redenschreiberin, Unternehmerin und Publizistin Antje Hermenau war zwischen 1994 und 2004 selbst Mitglied des Deutschen Bundestages (Bündnis 90/Die Grünen) und gewann in den 90ern das „Silberne Mikro“ als eine der besten Nachwuchsrednerinnen des Deutschen Bundestages. Seit 2015 gehört sie keiner Partei mehr an.

„Wir leben in Zeiten, in denen Persönlichkeiten überzeugen müssen, denn Fakten sind interpretierbar. Persönlichkeiten aber überzeugen am meisten mit ihren Reden“, so Hermenau.

„Wahlprogramme allein reichen nicht aus. Denn niemand kann vorhersagen, wie
sich die Welt entwickeln wird. Die Zukunft ist unkalkulierbar. Deshalb braucht
es Menschen, die ihre Handlungsfähigkeit in Reden überzeugend darlegen können. Im Prinzip geht es um Vertrauen.“

Unterstützt wird Antje Hermenau von Hans-Georg Roth, Rhetorikcoach, Lehrbeauftragter und seit über 40 Jahren politischer Redenschreiber. Er war zwischen 1979 - 1992 Redenschreiber der Bayerischen Staatsregierung, 1992 - 1999 Redenschreiber des Thüringer Ministerpräsidenten Prof. Dr. Bernhard Vogel und 2001 - 2015 Redenschreiber in der Thüringer Landesregierung. Er schrieb somit Reden sowohl für Franz-Josef Strauß, als auch für Bodo Ramelow. 

An die Redaktionen:

Die Analystinnen und Analysten des VRdS, die die Wahlkampfreden bewerten, kommen aus verschiedenen Teilen des Bundesgebiets. Für Interviewanfragen wenden Sie sich bitte an Anja Martin, Sprecherin des VRdS, unter presse@vrds.deTelefon 0163 63 88 900. 

Dienstag, 22. August 2017

Trumps Afghanistan-Plan: Erleichterung in Berlin |

Trumps Afghanistan-Plan: Erleichterung in Berlin |

Der Kitt der Gesellschaft

Bertelsmann Stiftung: Der Kitt der Gesellschaft - Perspektiven auf den sozialen Zusammenhalt in Deutschland

1. Auflage 2016 , 360 Seiten (Broschur)
ISBN 978-3-86793-739-9
28,00 €
zzgl. Versandkosten
In 2-3 Tagen lieferbar
Was hält die Gesellschaft zusammen? Was ist der sprichwörtliche Kitt, der die Menschen miteinander verbindet? Dieser Sammelband beleuchtet die unterschiedlichen Facetten von gesellschaftlichem Zusammenhalt in Deutschland. Die Autorinnen und Autoren verstehen diese soziale Kohäsion als ein mehrdimensionales Phänomen – vom zwischenmenschlichen Vertrauen und der Entwicklung sozialer Netzwerke über die Identifikation mit dem Gemeinwesen und das Vertrauen in Institutionen bis hin zu Solidarität, Hilfsbereitschaft und sozialer Teilhabe.
In ihren Beiträgen reflektieren sie die aktuellen Herausforderungen für den gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhalt: Zuwanderung, wachsende soziale Ungleichheit, Globalisierung und demographischen Wandel. Der Band bereichert die Debatte über die gesellschaftliche Entwicklung und analysiert drängende gesellschaftspolitische Fragen mit Blick darauf, wie wir als Gesellschaft künftig in Vielfalt zusammenleben.
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